As Above, So Below: Pluto Moves in to Direct

When Pluto was in retrograde (April 14 - September 21), transformational energies were working behind the scenes. But now, Pluto has moved in to direct (as of September 22) and our deep desires and hidden secrets are revealed to us. This is an auspicious time for personal transformation. Pluto helps us to see our need for change rather than being forced into the process by others. We encouraged to honestly ask ourselves: What in my life needs to change? And we are empowered to surrender, not to give up, but to Let Go of the old ways of doing things.

Pluto represents the underworld and makes us confront our fears and the dark (not necessarily bad) side of ourselves. Sometimes what we fear the most can be our best medicine; so allow the Truth to surface! See your relationships (to people, money, and time) in a new light. Ask yourself: What relationships serve me, and which ones do not? Pluto can help you reclaim your personal power. Pluto represents Inner Earth - the pure, primordial and sacred source of power - the Muladhara or Root Chakra.

The root chakra is the most foundational relationship where all other relationships grow from. It is related to Earth and is the seat of the creative life force energy. This energy is neutral and is manifested in the life of every human being. It is the responsibility of each individual to choose how they will use their creative life for energy. Take a few deep breaths to feel your connection with the Mother. Source from Her to renew your passion for pursuing your dreams!


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