Green Juice for Health
Simple veggie juices packed with the nutrients you need to live well.

Lately, I have been drinking a lot of Green Juices. They are easy to make and VERY delicious. Drinking vegetables is a great way for the body to absorb nutrients. Making your own green juices is much more cost effective than buying them at Whole Foods for $6 or more. Instead, you can spend your hard earned money on a bunch of Chard, a coconut water, an apple, and a lemon  - and wa-lah! you've got yourself some homemade juice. 

When I first began my juicing journey, I tried to put too many fruits and vegetables together. Even though EACH ingredient was tasty, when I combined ALL off them the taste was ... well, bad. 

The key to creating a delicious health drink is to keep it simple! I use 5 ingredients or less in mine. Here are two of my favorite green juices. And remember, I encourage you to try different variations to make these drinks your own!

Clean Green 
What You'll Need:
2 big leaves of Collard Greens  
1  Pear
1 tablespoon of Lemon Juice (1/3 of a lemon)
1/2 cup of Coconut Water (make sure to buy water and not the juice because the juice has lots of extra sugar).
1 cup of water

How To:
1. Take off the stems of the collard greens and cut the core out of the pear.
2. Combine leaves and pear into the blender. Add in the lemon juice.
3. Add in Coconut Water and Water.
4. Blend until there are no chunks.

Green Start

What You'll Need:
2 Leaves of Chard
1/2 Apple
1 Banana
1/2 cup coconut milk
1 cup of water

How To:

1. Take off the stems of the chard and cut the core out of the apple. Peel banana.
2. Combine leaves and fruit into the blender. 
3. Add in coconut milk and water.
4. Blend until there are no chunks.



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  4. Hi Allison! I want to try making some of these juices, but I've heard that leafy greens don't do well in regular blenders. What kind of blender do you use?



    ps. i have no idea why this is published under my boss's name haha...

    1. Hi Mia,

      Great question! I have encountered the same problem. When I use a regular blender the ingredients do not mix well enough for a juice. I have a Nutri Bullet ($99 from Bed Bath and Beyond). I highly recommend this appliance!

      Let me know how your juicing adventures turn out!


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