Going Where Fear Is
Home: Where there is fear, there is also so much love!
Fear has influenced my life in many ways. It has shaped my intrapersonal (with myself) and interpersonal (with others) relationships. I could even say that at times, it has even taken on a life of its own. Fear has made decisions for me and has acted for me because of its power to dictate my thoughts, feelings, and emotions.
The practices of Mindfulness Meditation and Loving Kindness Meditation has helped me to sit with fear. I have been able to experience the bodily sensations of fear and not run from them. I've noticed that fear causes a quickening of my heartbeat and a shortening of my breath. I feel like I am suffocating when I am afraid. I used to rely on crying to help me release from that state, but now, I use a skill from Mindfulness Mediation. I follow the rise and fall of the breath to help calm me down and leave the place of fear.
Mindfulness Meditation has also allowed me to see my emotions objectively. I can better identify the sensations of fears and step away from thinking that I am the fear or the fear is me. I can see that I have been conditioned to fear and habituated to the feeling fear. Fear has been a familiar sensation for me for many, many years and this habit of living in fear needs to be broken!
Loving Kindess is an amazing practice to break free from fear. In the meditation, you cultivate a sense of warmth in your chest, by envisioning a sun glowing in your heart. The warm feeling spreads through your body until you are surrounded by light. I describe my experience as being held in the light, like a mother holding her child. In this state, any fearful thought or sensation evaporates in the light. It is a wonderful practice - and it can be used anywhere at anytime!
Moving back home has provided me with ample opportunities to face my fears. With the practice of Loving Kindness Meditation, I have been able to stand my ground when I get scared. For example, I have been meeting many people from my past. When I first see them, I think "oh, man, the last time we met I was a total (fill in the blank)." Ha! And that is an excellent opportunity for LovingKindness! By feeling the sun in my heart, the negative thought leaves, and a smile appears. At this point, more space has been created to experience the present moment with the person instead of holding on to the distortion of the past. And what do you know? Most of the time we share in a pleasant and even heart felt encounter.
I am learning that where there is fear, there is also so much love!
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