
Showing posts from October, 2014

Mercury in Retrograde

Mercury in Retrograde (October 4 - 25) Mercury is known as the Rule of Communication . It’s symbol is formed by the circle of Spirit resting between the crescent of Soul and the cross of Matter. Mercury's symbol shows that woman can creatively express herself by understanding how to unite and integrate Spirit, Soul and Matter in to her life. Her ability to express herself depends on her perception , which is also under Mercury's domain. Mercury is used to experience the Soul, express the Spirit, and fulfill one's body. Each person is different with his or her perception and creative expression. How do you see the world? With a Soulful lens, in which you see the Divine Essence in all things? From the Spirit, where you see shapes, colors, lights? Or from the body where you see the world as physical or material? Every individual is able to see the world from all of 3 of these perspectives, but many choose ...

Full Moon & the Ego

Life Lessons from the Waxing Moon First Quarter to Full Moon are the Waxing phases of the Moon. Light covers more than have of the surface of the Moon and increases steadily during this time. Have you ever noticed that the moon seems to get full fast during this time? This phase of the moon represents the personality of the ego. During this phases of the Moon, you may feel like "blocked" or "stuck" because you are up against an obstacle(s) in life. The Moon represents the subconscious and gives us an opportunity to see what is hidden in our shadow. The experience of facing an obstacle is amplified right now by Pluto in Direct  (a time when our unseen desires surface) and with the recent change of seasons to Fall (the Autumn Equinox is known in esoteric circles as the Great Death a time when our fears are brought to light and we have to Let Go of old ways that no longer serve us). Both happenings dig up "stuff" from depths of our soul so we have a l...

As Above, So Below: Pluto Moves in to Direct

When Pluto was in retrograde (April 14 - September 21), transformational energies were working behind the scenes. But now, Pluto has moved in to direct (as of September 22) and our deep desires and hidden secrets are revealed to us . This is an auspicious time for personal transformation . Pluto helps us to see our need for change rather than being forced into the process by others. We encouraged to honestly ask ourselves: What in my life needs to change? And we are empowered to surrender, not to give up, but to Let Go of the old ways of doing things . Pluto represents the underworld and makes us confront our fears and the dark (not necessarily bad) side of ourselves. Sometimes what we fear the most can be our best medicine; so allow the Truth to surface! See your relationships (to people, money, and time) in a new light. Ask yourself: What relationships serve me, and which ones do not? Pluto can help you reclaim your personal power. Pluto represents Inner Earth - th...