Mercury in Retrograde
Mercury in Retrograde (October 4 - 25) Mercury is known as the Rule of Communication . It’s symbol is formed by the circle of Spirit resting between the crescent of Soul and the cross of Matter. Mercury's symbol shows that woman can creatively express herself by understanding how to unite and integrate Spirit, Soul and Matter in to her life. Her ability to express herself depends on her perception , which is also under Mercury's domain. Mercury is used to experience the Soul, express the Spirit, and fulfill one's body. Each person is different with his or her perception and creative expression. How do you see the world? With a Soulful lens, in which you see the Divine Essence in all things? From the Spirit, where you see shapes, colors, lights? Or from the body where you see the world as physical or material? Every individual is able to see the world from all of 3 of these perspectives, but many choose ...