GOAL SETTING A useful exercise for setting goals and realizing dreams Until recently, one of my biggest fears was setting goals. This was a very harmful fear to say the least. It stopped me from believing in myself and following my heart. It dampened my ability to act on what I wanted in my life. This fear caused anxiety, stress, and depression. I am happy to say that this fear no longer exists for me! Meditation has transformed my life. It is a tool I use to find clarity, to calm down, and to increase my self confidence. And it has been a major reason for why I can set goals and realize them! I was taught to meditate at Madre Grande Monastery in Dulzura, California (see photo). This magical place is in the high desert on the border between San Diego, California and Tecate, Mexico. On my most recent visit there, the abbot of the monastery, John, taught me a writing exercise on goal setting. I have benefited so much from this writing exercise that I wish to sha...