
Showing posts from May, 2015
Bound Lotus Kriya: A Personal Journey of Love, Forgiveness and Surrender Written for the Spirit Voyage Blog “Who has never seen the Bound Lotus posture?” Asked Mahan Kirn to the room of yogis. “Me,” I thought as I raised my hand. The only image I could think of was that of the classic yogi sitting in padhmasana (full lotus pose) meditating under a Bodhi Tree. I decided to attend the Maha Bound Lotus workshop at Sat Nam Fest on impulse like many things in life. I had no idea what would unfold from this practice, all I knew was that I had to show up! I was one of the few yogis who had never seen or practiced the Bound Lotus Kriya. “Well if you knew what you were getting into, you probably wouldn’t have come,” Mahan Kirn smiled knowingly. “Yes, very true,” I thought. Actually, if I had known how Sat Nam Fest would change the course of my life or of the pain and trauma that I would re-live in the Bound Lotus Kriya, I would have never arrived to the festival or the class...

The Power of Mantra: Remembering How to Love

The Power of Mantra: Remembering How to Love Tuning - In at Sat Nam Fest West The first time I “tuned in” was with almost 1,000 people at Sat Nam Fest West in Joshua Tree, California. I arrived to Sat Nam Fest alone. I had no idea what Kundalini Yoga was and I didn’t know anyone at the festival. I signed up to volunteer & drove from San Francisco on a gut feeling. I didn’t think about what I was doing, I just knew I had to go.  On the first day of the festival, hundreds of people filed in to the main tent. Yogis, adorned in white, rolled out their yoga mats and place their sheep skins down. I had never seen anything like this before - hundreds of people gathered under one roof ready to practice kundalini yoga together - and was in complete awe of scene in front of me. Like a hive of bees, the yogis created a buzz of excited chatter. The teacher walked on stage and her presence cut through the air of anticipation like a hot knife through butter. Without any hesitatio...

Moon Magic in Beltane

Full Moon in Scorpio Moon Magic in Beltane May 3, 2015 A poem inspired from the gratitude I have for the women in my life.  May we always Remember who we truly are. Thank You for the love that you give, for your love brings new life on Earth.  As you share your love,  you light up this world like stars that illuminate the night sky. Your love is our greatest resource. It can travel farther than an Eagle can soar,  and beyond the depths to the Earth’s molten core, Your love is Infinite, Expansive, and Limitless. You are a Goddess in all her glory,  and a human with all her flaws, Perfectly imperfect. It is not easy being the greatest gift to the world,  but you were not born to live an ordinary life.  You are here to live a life that is extra-ordinary, a life to say “Yes!” to, and a life that you love to live and live to love! So in the times when you feel overwhelmed, when there are too many ...