Bound Lotus Kriya: A Personal Journey of Love, Forgiveness and Surrender Written for the Spirit Voyage Blog “Who has never seen the Bound Lotus posture?” Asked Mahan Kirn to the room of yogis. “Me,” I thought as I raised my hand. The only image I could think of was that of the classic yogi sitting in padhmasana (full lotus pose) meditating under a Bodhi Tree. I decided to attend the Maha Bound Lotus workshop at Sat Nam Fest on impulse like many things in life. I had no idea what would unfold from this practice, all I knew was that I had to show up! I was one of the few yogis who had never seen or practiced the Bound Lotus Kriya. “Well if you knew what you were getting into, you probably wouldn’t have come,” Mahan Kirn smiled knowingly. “Yes, very true,” I thought. Actually, if I had known how Sat Nam Fest would change the course of my life or of the pain and trauma that I would re-live in the Bound Lotus Kriya, I would have never arrived to the festival or the class...